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Article Cell Phone Email Setup
IMPORTANT: The first things to know and to keep in mind are: A) If you are setting up a phone for the first time, we will have to first create an...
Views: 4950
Article SHAW - VOD - Video on Demand
It is important for you to know and understand how to manage what is going on with your home network. Most commonly, when people have speed related...
Views: 2846
Article Router Settings Optimization
Sometimes, Router issues may be caused by interference between your Router and other devices. This may appear to be an Internet issue, but it may...
Views: 2226
Article NetFlix Optimization
Streaming Video uses a tremendous amount of data. NetFlix for example can use up to 7 GIGABYTES PER HOUR if it's left on 'AUTO' mode.  That much...
Views: 2089
Article "Outlook cannot synchronize folders"
Outlook send/receive gives 0x800CCC0F Cannot synchronize subscribed folders error This bug in Outlook occurs when Outlook doesn't properly test to...
Views: 2040

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